Thursday 24 May 2018

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

Chapter One of this book is astounding. It's earth-shattering, heart-wrenching and I dare you to read it without a gasp, a tear or putting the book down to catch your breath. But then it's over, and although the rest of the book is beautifully written - lovely poetry and encouraging words, it doesn't quite measure up to the astonishing opening. 

A dare to live fully right where you are - it's kind of less a dare and more a helpful and encouraging guide. And by far the most encouraging and challenging thing here is that the author has practiced what she preaches and lives this daily. I find that remarkable - in the face of that degree of pain, for someone to respond as she does.

I'd recommend it for friends who've gone through pain (who hasn't?) and I'm probably going to reread parts of it - it is a lovely little companion and full of special moments. The anecdotes are well written and although I'm not big on advice books, the way this was crafted was not annoying, which is a special gift. I wouldn't give this to all of my friends, though - some of them may throw it against a wall, or worse, probably at me!


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